Thursday, July 30, 2015

Don't forget to count your blessings.

If you have a roof over your head, clothes in your closet, food in your pantry and your utilities haven’t been shut off, you’re doing pretty well in my book. Sometimes we think we haven’t “made it.” But we have. We have a lot more than people in less-developed countries who, as it turns out, tend to be happier than we are. Perhaps it's because they know what true happiness is: caring for loved ones; spending your day as if it were your last; being content with what you have; helping others who aren’t as fortunate--the things that really matter in life.

If you spend your whole life constantly competing, you’ll never win. As for me, when I’m on my death bed, the material things I owned and the amount of money I made won’t matter. What will matter is what I think about myself when I reflect on how I helped others and how I left this world--hopefully making it a better place.